On another day the angels came to present themselves before
the Lord, and Satan also came with them to present himself before Him.And the Lord said to Satan, "Have
you seen My servant, Job? There is no one on earth like him. He has a good
relationship with Me and he always does what is right. And he still has not
cursed Me, even after you had all his animals stolen and all his sons and
daughters killed."Satan
replied. "Job is good because You protect him. Hurt his body and he will
surely curse You to Your face." The Lord said to Satan, "Very well,
then, he is in your hands. You can hurt him, but you can’t kill him.”So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord
and made Job’s skin break out with painful sores all over his body. Then Job
took a piece of broken pottery and scraped himself with it as he sat among the
ashes.Job’s wife said to him, " Curse God
and die!"Job
replied “If we
accept blessings from God, we must accept trouble as well." ." In all this, Job did not sin by
saying that God had done something wrong to him.When Job's three
friends, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite,
heard about all the troubles that had come upon Job, they came and sat on the
ground with him for 7 days and nights. No one said a word to him, because they
saw how sad he was. Job was so sad about everything that had happened – about
all of his animals being stolen and all his children dying and all the painful
sores all over his body – that he suddenly cried out to God and to his friends
saying he shouldn’t have born to go through all this” Job’s friends said, “Job,
God must be punishing you for your sin.” Then a great storm started to form in
the sky and God’s voice came out of the storm. “You are right, Job. Good things
happen to everyone and bad things happen to everyone. You have done very well
to keep your faith and not curse Me, even through everything that has happened
to you. Now I will reward you .”And over the next few years, God gave Job twice
as many animals as he had before and He gave Job seven more sons and three more
daughters and He let Job live 140 years.
Lesson to be
1.“If we accept blessings from God, we must accept trouble as well."
There are times when we feel God has permitted some problems in our life. But
this statement made by Job is very correct. There are times when God has
blessed us immensely, then we praised Him for His goodness. But when things go
wrong do we still praise Him as Job did?
2.When trouble comes everyone around us may
think that we have sinned and God is punishing us. But if we have truly repented for our sins
and asked for His forgiveness, then there is no way possible that He punishes us.
God loves us. He allows such trails to mould us and shape us to transform us like
Him. We cannot always learn greater lessons from the Lord if we are not willing
to surrender to whatever He does. But once when we have totally emptied us and
surrendered to Him, We will surely have peace beyond understanding.
Job 2:10
(CEV) Job
replied, "Don't talk like a fool! If we accept blessings from God, we must
accept trouble as well." In all that happened, Job never once said
anything against God.
Many years ago, a man named Job lived in the land
of Uz. He was man who respected God and refused evil. Job had 7 sons and 3
daughters. He owned a lot of sheep,camels,oxen, donkeys, and servants. He was the richest
person in the land. Job's sons took turns having feasts in their homes, and
they always invited their three sisters to join in the eating and drinking. After
each feast, Job would send for his children and perform a ceremony, as a way of
asking God to forgive them of any wrongs they may have done. He would get up
early the next morning and offer a sacrifice for each of them. One day, when
the angels had gathered around the LORD, and Satan was there with them, the
LORD asked, "Satan, where have you been?" Satan replied, "I have
been going all over the earth." Then the LORD asked, "What do you
think of my servant Job? No one on earth is like him--he is a truly good
person, who respects me and refuses to do evil." "Why shouldn't he
respect You?" Satan remarked. "You are like a wall protecting not
only him, but his entire family and all his property. You make him successful
in whatever he does, and his flocks and herds are everywhere. Try taking away
everything he owns, and he will curse you to your face." The LORD replied,
"All right, Satan, do what you want with anything that belongs to him, but
don't harm Job." Then Satan left. Job's sons and daughters were having a
feast in the home of his oldest son, when 3 of his servants rushed up to Job
and said that all his cattle were killed. That servant was still speaking, when
a fourth one dashed up and said, "Your children were having a feast, when
suddenly a windstorm from the desert blew the house down, crushing all of your
children " When Job heard this, he tore his clothes and shaved his head
because of his great sorrow. He knelt on the ground, then worshiped God and
said: "We bring nothing at birth; we take nothing with us at death. The
LORD alone gives and takes. Praise the name of the LORD!" In spite of
everything, Job did not sin or accuse God of doing wrong.
Lesson to be Learnt:
This is a wonderful passage where
God challenges the devil to test the credibility of a man. I wonder if God
could bet so confidently on us. A small mosquito bite with power failure could
turn us wild and make us complain. But look at Job , he lost everything he had.
He must have been terribly upset yet he spoke nothing against the Lord. This is
called spiritual maturity. I remember a statement a preacher made once “God does only good
things for us”. You might be sick/suffering/lost job/depressed etc whatever your
condition, praise God for it. For He is in control and He will do only good for
us. Yes, it’s a tough lesson. But how long can we stay in Kindergarten level,
we need to grow more and more in the Lord and not be stagnant. You may fail
many times in being strong in the Lord. But trust again and again, vow not to
speak against the Lord or complain at times of trouble. That’s when God can bet
on us J. Don’t you want God to trust you like that?
(CEV) Then the
LORD asked, "What do you think of my servant Job? No one on earth is like
him--he is a truly good person, who respects me and refuses to do evil."
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. Let’s get into the next book in the
Bible, Job. We suggest you to read everything
we discuss in this blog in your own quiet time and skip no book of the Bible.
All of God’s words are important. So kindly do not ignore reading any of
Date of the Book
around 2000-1800BC
Author : Possibly Job
Purpose : To
show the meaning of True Faith . We can trust God’s faithfulness, He never
fails. But can God trust man to be faithful. Job is one such man, whom God
trusted that He challenged the devil to test and see. Can God challenge about
us the same way?
Content of the Book
1.Job is tested
2.3 Friends and Job
3.God Answers Job
4.Job is restored
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Esther urged all of the Jews tofastandprayfor
deliverance. Then risking her own life, brave young Esther approached the king
with a plan of her own. She invited the King and Haman to a banquet where she
revealed her Jewish heritage to the king, as well as Haman's plot to have her
and her people killed. In a rage, the king ordered Haman to be hung on the
gallows the very same gallows Haman had built for Mordecai. Mordecai was
promoted to Haman's high position and Jews were granted protection throughout
the land. As the people celebrated God's tremendous deliverance, the joyous
festival ofPurimwas instituted.
Lesson to be
the Jews along with Esther fasted and prayed for 3 days and nights. Look how
the situation turned upside down for the Jews. Haman, the enemy was hanged in
the same gallows which he built for Mordecai. Now correlate the lessons we did
on Esther for the past few days.
had a beautiful plan for us, though most of us don’t understand it in the
initial times like Esther, Do you agree?
honors those who honor Him. Mordecai chose to obey God and the Lord saved him
from death, Do you agree?
we act according to the Lord’s will at the time He prompts, we will be blessed.
Esther was not silent at the time of need, she fasted and went to the King to
notify him of the situation. And the Lord blessed her plans. Do you agree?
So if you agree all these questions,
then it’s high time you apply it in your lives J
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. By the abundant grace of God, “Letter From God” hascompleted a year with you through mails. From our humble beginnings to the present, our goal and our desire is to share the Love of Jesus to everyone on earth.
We have tried our best to bring the word of God as it is, yet in a form in which you could understand better.
Year ago we wanted to find a way to share the word of God to as many people as possible . The internet allowed us to meet new brothers and sisters and show them how much the Lord Jesus loves them and cares for them.
We have started this new blog so that we could share God’s love with even more people. We believe that “Letter From God” is a blessing to each one of you. So we expect you to share the same blessings with your fellow people too.
It’s been a wonderful year and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future. May you have a wonderful life ahead with all the blessing of the Almighty Lord Jesus!