Wednesday 13 February 2013

Jesus raises the dead out of mercy!!

Jesus raises the dead out of mercy!

Sad things happened:
While Jesus was telling people about God, Mary and Martha, two of Jesus’  friends, sent a note asking Jesus to come to their home because their brother, Lazarus, was very sick.  But Jesus did not come immediately. Jesus loved His friends but instead of going to their house, He waited. Because He already knew something wonderful is going to happen. After two days, Jesus and His friends traveled to Mary and Martha’s house. Jesus told his friends that Lazarus had died. They were very sad. When they arrived, friends and family were comforting Mary and Martha. They had wrapped Lazarus'  body in cloth and placed him in a grave four days earlier. Finally someone shouted, "Jesus is coming."   Martha ran to talk to Him. She  said, "If you had been here, Lord, my brother would not have died.  But even now, I know that God will give You anything You ask."  Jesus spoke words of comfort to her: "Your brother will live again.  I am the life.  Whoever believes in Me shall never die." Martha told Jesus that she believed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. Soon Mary came to talk with Jesus. 

Jesus Cried:
As she talked about her brother, Mary began to cry.  Many of her friends were crying also. Jesus also couldn't bear His beloved friends crying, So He starting cryingHe cared so deeply for His friends and He understood the pain that they were feeling.  When the people saw Jesus crying, they said, "Look; see how much Jesus loved His friend."  Jesus went to the place where Lazarus was buried.  "Roll away the stone," He commanded. Martha was surprised.  She said, "But Lord, it will smell bad because he has been in there for 4 days!" Jesus reminded her that she would see a miracle if she believed. The people removed the stone.  Jesus looked up and thanked God for hearing Him.  Then He called out, "Lazarus, come out!" Suddenly Lazarus came out of the grave.  He was alive!  Jesus had raised him from the dead.  The people were amazed.  Many people believed in Jesus because of what they saw him do.  Jesus showed mercy to Mary and Martha. 
Mercy Means:
Mercy means that someone cares for others when they are hurt and may even feel their pain.  They have love for them and want to help them in their time of sadness. 
Jesus felt this way about His friends.  In fact, the Bible tells us that others saw Jesus’ mercy and knew that He really loved His friends. 

There was another time when Jesus loved people. It was when He was on a rough, wooden cross.  He loved us so much that He died on the cross for all the bad things we have done.  Did you know that someone loved you THAT much!  If we believe in Him, we can go to Heaven and be with Jesus.

Probably you are also in one such situation and have the pain in your heart which is unbearable. You might feel that there is nobody who cares for you and take part in your sadness . But I tell you good news. There is this Friend of Ours who is most willing to come into your life and be with you all the time. May be you are high, low, rich, poor, happy or sad. He is ready to be with you and feel what you feel. And this dear Friend is the Almighty and can even raise the dead for your sake when you believe!!!


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