Wednesday 6 February 2013

Story of a Women whose family was restored!

She obeyed! She was satisfied!

Problems in life
Once there lived a husband who led a bad and filthy life. He was dishonest to his wife and never ever cared for her. But, she faithfully prayed for him everyday. She and her children were very keen to obey the Lord and lead a prayerful life. Years rolled on. Her relatives and neighbors often said to her, “Why do you continue to live with this irresponsible man? Why don’t you go somewhere else?”


The Lord answers her!
But she ignored their advice and continued to do good in the sight of the Lord. The God who answers prayers took pity on her. Her husband was suddenly afflicted with a dreaded skin disease. Soon, all his friends left him. He could not go for his work and was confined to his home.

Husband Repents
Now, he got an opportunity to observe the care,love and prayer life of his wife. He cried and said. “O!What a shame!I have been dishonest to such a good and prayerful wife!Though, all others have forsaken me, she still remains faithful to me and continues to love me!” He apologized to his wife and asked her to forgive his unfaithfulness.

Family restored
She not only forgave him but also explained the love of God to him and made him become a servant of God. The family that was about to be separated now prayed together and stayed together because of the prayers and loyalty of wife.

The Power of Obedience
Such are the people who thirst and hunger to obey the voice of the Lord. No matter what their situation is or how people are towards them, they still chose to obey the Lord and follow His commands and thereby lead others too to the Lord. And see the end..They are really blessed and Lord satisfies their every need. Don’t you want to be thirsty and hungry to obey the Lord Almighty. Don’t you want to be overflowing with Lords goodness? Why not then pray a small prayer asking the Lord to help you obey Him in all ways possible, in all situations. Amen.


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