Tuesday 28 August 2012

Show Child-Like Dependence on the Maker!

Show Child-Like Dependence on the Maker!
The LORD had commanded Aaron and Moses to lead every family and tribe of Israel out of Egypt,  and so they ordered the king of Egypt to set the people of Israel free. When the LORD spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt, he said, "I am the LORD. Tell the king of Egypt everything I say to you." But Moses answered, "You know I am a very poor speaker, and the king will never listen to me." The LORD said: I am going to let your brother Aaron speak for you. He will tell your message to the king, just as a prophet speaks my message to the people. Tell Aaron everything I say to you, and he will order the king to let my people leave his country. But I will make the king so stubborn that he won't listen to you. He won't listen even when I do many terrible things to him and his nation. Then I will bring a final punishment on Egypt, and the king will let Israel's families and tribes go. When this happens, the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD. Moses and Aaron obeyed the LORD and spoke to the king. At the time, Moses was 80 years old, and Aaron was 83. The LORD told them what they should do in front of the king. Moses and Aaron went to the king and his officials and did exactly as the LORD had commanded--Aaron threw the stick down, and it turned into a snake. Then the king called in the wise men and the magicians, who used their secret powers to do the same thing they threw down sticks that turned into snakes. But Aaron's snake swallowed theirs. The king behaved just as the LORD had said and stubbornly refused to listen. The LORD said to Moses: The Egyptian king stubbornly refuses to change his mind and let the people go. 
Lesson to be Learnt:
      Whatever we do, small or great the Lord wishes us to depend on Him and pray for it.  May it be “Writing an exam/Attending an interview/getting a good sleep/everything”. He likes it when we show child-like dependence on Him. Here too, the Lord did everything for Israel. He could have asked the people of Israel to wage a war against Egypt and them helped them in the war, but He dint do that. He fought the battle all by Himself. He wanted both the Egyptians and the Israelites to know that He was God. So may it be a very small task or a big one, ask the Lord for His guidance and give Him glory in everything you do. You will surely be blessed.
1Corinthians 10:31
(CEV)  When you eat or drink or do anything else, always do it to honor God.
(Hindi) सो तुम चाहे खाओ, चाहे पीओ, चाहे जो कुछ करो, सब कुछ परमेश्वर की महीमा के लिथे करो।
(Tamil OV)  ஆகையால் நீங்கள் புசித்தாலும், குடித்தாலும், எதைச் செய்தாலும், எல்லாவற்றையும் தேவனுடைய மகிமைக்கென்று செய்யுங்கள்.
(Telugu)  కాబట్టి మీరు భోజనము చేసినను పానము చేసినను మీరేమి చేసినను సమస్తమును దేవుని మహిమకొరకు చేయుడి.
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