Tuesday, 14 August 2012
God Is Our Strength!
Blog Archive
- Plagues 2 – Frogs!
- Plagues - 1. Water Turns Blood!
- Show Child-Like Dependence on the Maker!
- Joy Comes in The Morning!
- Don’t Miss the Opportunities That God Gives You!
- The Lord will fight your Battles!
- Lord My Rescuer!
- Through the Eyes of the Lord!
- God solves It All!
- Stand For The Truth!
- God Is Our Strength!
Sample text
From the Writer's Desk
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. By the abundant grace of God, “Letter From God” has completed a year with you through mails. From our humble beginnings to the present, our goal and our desire is to share the Love of Jesus to everyone on earth.
We have tried our best to bring the word of God as it is, yet in a form in which you could understand better.
Year ago we wanted to find a way to share the word of God to as many people as possible . The internet allowed us to meet new brothers and sisters and show them how much the Lord Jesus loves them and cares for them.
We have started this new blog so that we could share God’s love with even more people. We believe that “Letter From God” is a blessing to each one of you. So we expect you to share the same blessings with your fellow people too.
It’s been a wonderful year and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future. May you have a wonderful life ahead with all the blessing of the Almighty Lord Jesus!
Letter From God Team
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