Thursday 24 January 2013

Mohan C. Lazarus

Mohan C. Lazarus
 NÁLUMÁVÀDI – an inconspicuous tiny settlement which has its location at about 9ºN latitude and 78ºE longitude in the southern edge of the Indian peninsular. Even today the population of this village is not exceeding 5000 that comprises some 200 families put together. The legend says that when the Dravidian people emigrated from the then Yazhppánam of present day Srilanka to the southern tip of Indian subcontinent, a small group made their settlement at ‘Mayilodai’ in Thoothukkudi district. After some time they again shifted their dwelling place to ‘Sugandhalai’. From here two brothers began their journey towards further south to avoid confrontation with the local sons of the soil. On their exile, they came to a place where water resources and mango groves were aplenty. Though the elder brother, Káththava Nádár decided to put his tent there, the younger one proceeded further to south. The first settler, Káththava Nádár made his dwelling place in the midst of four big ‘Mangifera Indica’ trees, and it was called as Nálumávàdi: in local dialect – Tamil, it means ‘under the shadow of four mango trees’.
In this small insignificant village was born Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus as the second child to the wealthy parents Mr. Chiththiraippándi and Mrs. Kani Ammal, descendants of the first settler, Káththava Nádár. While this loving couple had four male children, the LORD had chosen Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus for His eternal cause.
Though in his early days Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus was brought up according to the staunch native religious tradition of his family, the LORD’s mantle fell on this frail looking youngster. The inculcation was such that, he used to have combative arguments with those who spoke about Jesus. His feeble mind could equate Jesus only with the Buddha and Gandhi and not more than that. He could not comprehend the Godhood of Jesus. Moreover, the indoctrination that he imbibed had developed detestation toward Jesus and his followers alike!

In this situation, during his early teen age, strictly speaking, in his fourteenth year, he was severely affected by an undeciphered heart ailment. The money consuming diverse medical treatments failed to sweep away the malady; instead, his heart began to bulging out more conspicuously. As a result, his body was paralyzed and he was confined to bed. His days were begun to be numbered.
Nevertheless, his loving parents did not lose hope. They prayed to every god and goddess with various vows and pledges except the Christian ‘God’ Jesus as this very name was anathema to them. The days were passing by. No change was visible on his health. It became to deteriorate day by day.
Relatives and neighbors began to line up to have a last look of this dying young boy! Tears and grief engulfed the whole family. At this precarious scenario, our gracious LORD sent one of His vessels to counter with His eternally chosen tool to bring him unto His Fold! His parents did not oppose this man’s move; for, inwardly they expect their son’s curing eagerly! The visiting man began to pray with compassion and determination. Even as he prayed the power of God descended upon the sickly boy. The miracle unfolded! The impossible transformed into possible! After the prayer the boy slowly got up and sat on his bed. Amazing had happened! In spite of losing hopes of all, he started a new lease of life!
The hitherto unbelievable caring love and consoling grace of the LORD Jesus cleansed his body, soul and mind. He realized the unfathomed compassion of the Light of the World! He began to aware of the true Way in Him! Jesus Christ became his LORD and Saviour from that moment onwards!
After that heavenly sent moment, the burning zeal for his Heavenly Master propelled him to burn for His cause of building His Kingdom by propagating His unchanging love and compassion towards the entire humanity sans any partiality.

Now Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus is a world-renowned evangelist whom our mighty God uses in a very potent way. Through him, the LORD started His Ministry by name – ‘Jesus Redeems Ministry’ at this tiny hamlet – NÁLUMÁVÀDI, with a core object of telling the world that the LORD Jesus Christ is the only Redeemer and Saviour of the whole Universe!


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