Thursday 29 January 2015

Flee From Evil!!

Consider you are an youth, you got a job at MNC, you have a handsome salary and you have access to many new things in the world. You are getting such a freedom. Now there are 2 ways before you!! Obviously the good one and the other evil one. What would you choose? What does the Bible say about it? Here comes our Psalm 1 to our aid.
Today’s media portrays life with Vulgarity/Violence/Addiction/Unwanted Relations to be Fair/Good/even best. And most of our  people are going crazy after these. People who are simple are dragged away with them due to peer pressure. But what they don’t know is that all these ways lead us to peaceless situations and wrong endings. It is so hard to say “No” for the wrong things.  The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:2  “Flee the evil desires..” We have to run away like a lighting from evil things. Then we can be blessed by God.

Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
(Hindi) क्या ही धन्य है वह पुरूष जो दुष्टोंकी युक्ति पर नहीं चलता, और पापियोंके मार्ग में खड़ा होता? और ठट्ठा करनेवालोंकी मण्डली में बैठता है!
(KanKJV)  ಭಕ್ತಿಹೀನರ ಆಲೋಚನೆಯಂತೆ ನಡೆಯದೆ ಪಾಪಿಗಳ ಮಾರ್ಗದಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಲ್ಲದೆ ಕುಚೋದ್ಯಗಾರರು ಕೂತುಕೊಳ್ಳುವಲ್ಲಿ ಕೂತುಕೊಳ್ಳದೆ
(Tamil OV)  துன்மார்க்கருடைய ஆலோசனையில் நடவாமலும், பாவிகளுடைய வழியில் நில்லாமலும், பரியாசக்காரர் உட்காரும் இடத்தில் உட்காராமலும்,


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