Friday 5 October 2012

Do Not Steal!

Do Not Steal!

Many of us think that to steal means to just pick things from others without their permission but it is not just that. There are many things that we steal from others without the knowledge that we steal. Let’s take a look at some of those examples

Theft of Material Property
·         failing to return lost property
·         not reporting all our income on an income tax form
·         not returning excess money received from a malfunctioning ATM machine
·         not paying for a missing item on a restaurant check
·         failing to correct a bank error in our favor
·         paying half price for a “child” ticket for a child just turned thirteen
·         Failure to pay a just price for the labor or the fruits of the labor of Another.
·         buying a food item that does not cover the costs of the farmer’s labor.
·         paying a laborer a wage insufficient for living in dignity
 Many such thefts can deceptively appear “victimless” because the theft is spread over a large number of individuals or a large organization.

Theft of Creativity
·         copying another’s idea and making it as our own
Theft of Knowledge
·         knowingly misleading someone
·         flattering a person dishonestly
Theft of Opinion and Feelings
·         deceiving another so they have an excessively high opinion of ourselves, or feel grateful to us when we are undeserving
Theft of Time
·         keeping others waiting by being late
Theft of Reputation
·         gossiping, engaging in the “language of hurt”
Theft from Future Generations
·         wasteful use of Natural Resources

 Exo 20:15
(CEV)  Do not steal.
(Hindi) तू चोरी करना।।
(Kan) ಕದಿಯಬಾರದು.
(Mal) മോഷ്ടിക്കരുതു.
(Tamil OV)  களவு செய்யாதிருப்பாயாக.
(Telugu)  దొంగిలకూడదు.


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