All my life I had been searching for something to fill the vacuum(emptiness)
in my heart. Although I was trying many things nothing filled the vacuum. Everything
I tried to fill this vacuum with(alcohol, gambling, drugs, medicine.etc)left
the vacuum unfilled. Despite of my many suicide attempts I tried. But JESUS had
a plan for me ,He kept me alive and was patient with me. A church in my place found
me and gave me a chance to change my life. Slowly I was changing and being
saved from all the sins I did. I started going to church faithfully, I was
living in the woods. Some people from church started trusting me enough to come
in their yards and pull weeds for them. By this time I had quit drinking .A
lady named Shirley asked me if I could cut grass for her and I said yes. She
let me use her push mower to cut her two yards. Somehow people came to know
about this hopeless, homeless, man and many people started asking me to work
for them. I was working hard and around this time I met a lady at a home
fellowship group of our church, and became friends. I was still in the woods. Shirley
then let me get cleaned up at her house and I was grateful. I had a problem
now. I had work but no transportation. The lady who asked me to cut grass in
her yard at first loaned me her mower to use, and Shirley gave me the
transportation. It all started with a push mower in Shirley’s trunk of her car.
Now I am having almost two trailers, two riding mowers and enough to have a
happy living .I asked Shirley to marry me .She said yes. Since Jesus saved me,
I have something that much people think they can never attain Peace. This
testimony is for those who think they are drowned homeless and hopeless. Here’s
the good news that Jesus can set you free just as He saved me He can pick you
up from the miry clay and put you up on a steady place. All you got to do is,
repent and submit your life to Him. Then He will lead you in the perfect path.
May God bless you.
Note: This week we will see few experiences
of people, like how they believed God and got out of their problems. These are
mainly to encourage you in faith, praying for your problems and getting
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. By the abundant grace of God, “Letter From God” hascompleted a year with you through mails. From our humble beginnings to the present, our goal and our desire is to share the Love of Jesus to everyone on earth.
We have tried our best to bring the word of God as it is, yet in a form in which you could understand better.
Year ago we wanted to find a way to share the word of God to as many people as possible . The internet allowed us to meet new brothers and sisters and show them how much the Lord Jesus loves them and cares for them.
We have started this new blog so that we could share God’s love with even more people. We believe that “Letter From God” is a blessing to each one of you. So we expect you to share the same blessings with your fellow people too.
It’s been a wonderful year and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future. May you have a wonderful life ahead with all the blessing of the Almighty Lord Jesus!
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