Tuesday 27 November 2012

He will never let you Down!

He will never let you Down!

A young girl went oversees for employment, earned money and looked after all the members for her family. Soon, she helped her sisters and brothers get married and settle in life. As days went by, she found that no one was there to care for her. She felt lonely and forsaken. So, one day, she went to a servant of the Lord and told him how she had been exploited by her own family members and her present pathetic condition. The Lord’s servant prayed for her and comforted her. Do you know what happened? A miracle happened in her life. She received a proposal for marriage through a known Pastor from a man who was working abroad and was seeking for a God fearing girl. He wanted a girl with good character and was not worried about the status and income of the girl. They were married soon and lived  a happy and prosperous life. God gave this girl who was forsaken by her own family members, more than she desired and asked for. Dear brother and sister, today you too might find yourself forsaken and exploited by the same people whom you helped to come up in life. Do not fear. Take good courage. Find refuge under God’s mighty wings. He will never let you down.  You also will be blessed by Him.

Testimony of a girl whose life was Touched by Jesus!


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