Wednesday 28 November 2012

Power to the weak!

Power to the weak!
A father desired that his only son should one day become an engineer with name and fame. He was willing to make all sacrifices for achieving this goal. The principal of the college first promised to give a seat. With great difficulty, the father managed to get the fees amount and went to college the next day. In the meantime, the principal changed his mind, refused the admission and almost pushed them out of the office. The father and son were brokenhearted. But they again regained with absolute faith in God. By the good encouragement of the father, the son joined an arts college and got his degree. Soon, he got a good job and passed all the department tests and rose to a very high post, much higher than the status of an engineer. Because, he placed all his hope on God only, he was blessed in a wonderful way.
In the present day world, it is common to see people losing confidence in life for various reasons. Alas! I am unable to concentrate on studies! All who got married along with me have children, When will I have a baby? Why do I fail so many times in my examinations? My marriage is getting delayed. Will I ever be blessed in my life? My debts are increasing, is there a solution for that?. You may have many other burdens like these. But remember the promise that Jesus gave us in Isaiah 40:29(“He gives power to the weak,and to those who have no might He increases strength.” Jesus loves us and His only desire is to bless us. When we place all our burden at His feet, He is ready to redeem us and make us happy. Shall we also trust the Lord and be blessed?

Note: If you have any praise points that you wish to share with the group, please send us a mail regarding it. We would be very happy to know the blessings that the Lord showers in your life and it will be an encouragement to many!


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