Tuesday 22 October 2013



Dear Brothers and Sisters,
            Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. Now let’s take a quick look into the book of Ezra in the Bible. Since these books are Historical records we are moving to the next books in the Bible. But we suggest you to read it in your own quiet time and skip no book of the Bible.  All of God’s words are important. So kindly do not ignore reading any of it.

Name                                    :Ezra

Date of the Book              : around 450 B.C
Author                                 :probably Ezra

Purpose                              : To show the faithfulness of God to His people and how He kept His promise in restoring the land to them.

Content of the Book       : This book follows 2 chronicles as a historical record of the Jewish people showing their return to their land after they were taken captives elsewhere. There were 2 groups of exiles who returned to the land led by Zerubbabel and Ezra

Note: You are most welcome to send any of your friends id to which we should send these mails to and as well forward them to any one whom you know. We also welcome questions and suggestions from you.

 Here is a link for you from which you can download free. It is a Bible software in any language you prefer.
Whoever wants to have a e-sword (digital Bible) software can have it from
             For Tamil version : http://www.4shared.com/file/ojMgwApB/Tamil_e-Sword_9x.html

Letter From God Team


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