Thursday 20 June 2013

Happy Parenting!

Happy Parenting!

Once again the Israelites started disobeying the LORD. So He let the Philistines take control of Israel for 40 years. Manoah from the tribe of Dan lived in the town of Zorah. His wife was barren, but one day an angel from the LORD appeared to her and said: You were barren, but very soon you will be pregnant and have a son. He will belong to God from the day he is born, so his hair must never be cut. And even before he is born, you must not drink any wine or beer or eat any food forbidden by God's laws. Your son will begin to set Israel free from the Philistines. She went to Manoah and said, "A prophet who looked like an angel came and talked to me. I was so frightened, that I didn't even ask where he was from. And told him all that the Angel said" Then Manoah prayed to God show him the same things. God answered Manoah's prayer, and the angel went back to Manoah's wife,  so she found Manoah and said, "That same man is here again! He's the one I saw the other day." Manoah went with his wife and asked the man, "Are you the one who spoke to my wife?" "Yes, I am," he answered. Manoah then asked, "When your promise comes true, what rules must he obey and what will be his work?" "Your wife must be careful to do everything I told her," the LORD's angel answered. "Please," Manoah said, "stay here with us for a little while, and we'll fix a young goat for you to eat." Manoah didn't realize that he was really talking to one of the LORD's angels. The angel answered, "I can stay, although I won't eat any of your food. But if you would like to offer the goat as a sacrifice to the LORD, that would be fine." So Manoah took a young goat over to a large rock he had chosen for an altar and  he killed the goat, and offered it with some grain as a sacrifice to the LORD. But then an amazing thing happened. The fire blazed up toward the sky, and the LORD's angel went up toward heaven in the fire. Manoah and his wife bowed down low when they saw what happened. Manoah said, "We have seen an angel. Now we're going to die." "The LORD isn't going to kill us," Manoah's wife responded. "The LORD accepted our sacrifice, and He let us see something amazing. Besides, He told us that we're going to have a son." Later, Manoah's wife did give birth to a son, and she named him Samson. As the boy grew, the LORD blessed him. Then, while Samson was staying at Dan's Camp, the Spirit of the LORD took control of him.
Lesson to be Learnt:
1.       If God makes a promise He does that. This passage is a proof of it. Though we don’t see His angels these days He does promise us through His word in the Bible. May be a promise for a baby/job/marriage/relief from debt/ sickness. Whatever God promises to do for you, He will do!
2.      The 2nd things was the concern of Manoah to ask God on how he should grow his child who was yet to be born. Today many of us, do not know how to grow a kid, We pet them ,pamper them or on the other hand beat them up for their mischief. We also at times don’t set good examples to them to lead them in a Godly way. But Manoah had the mind to ask God to teach him to grow the kid. I challenge you today to do this
                  Wake up early morning, Keep your hands on your kid and pray to the Lord everyday to bless him/her and lead him/her in God’s way. Keep him/her from evil things of the world. Ask God to fill you with wisdom to train your kid. Trust me you will see your kid lead by God. It may not be in a way that you imagined but in Gods own special way J Happy Parenting ! (you can do the same even if you are expecting a baby)

Proverbs 22:6
(Hindi) लड़के को शिझा उसी मार्ग की दे जिस में उसको चलना चाहिथे, और वह बुढ़ापे में भी उस से न हटेगा।
(Kan) ನಡೆಯಬೇಕಾದ ಮಾರ್ಗದಲ್ಲಿರುವಂತೆ ಹುಡುಗನಿಗೆ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣಕೊಡು; ಆಗ ಮುಪ್ಪಿನಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ಅವನು ಅದ ರಿಂದ ಹೊರಟು ಹೋಗುವದಿಲ್ಲ.
(KJV)  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
(Mal) ബാലന്‍ നടക്കേണ്ടുന്ന വഴിയില്‍ അവനെ അഭ്യസിപ്പിക്ക; അവന്‍ വൃദ്ധനായാലും അതു വിട്ടുമാറുകയില്ല.
(Tamil OV)  பிள்ளையானவன் நடக்கவேண்டிய வழியிலே அவனை நடத்து; அவன் முதிர்வயதிலும் அதை விடாதிருப்பான்.
(Telugu)  బాలుడు నడువవలసిన త్రోవను వానికి నేర్పుము వాడు పెద్దవాడైనప్పుడు దానినుండి తొలగిపోడు.


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