Wednesday 26 June 2013



Dear Brothers and Sisters,
            Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. Earlier we had brought to your attention few of the major events of the book of Judges. Now we move on to the 8th book of the bible called Ruth.

Name                                    :Ruth
Date of the Book              :around 1375 – 1050BC
Author                                 : Not known.
Purpose                               : To show how few people remained true to God even when the situation around them was too bad. We all remain in this evil world and we at times become a part of it. Now Ruth and Naomi were in the period of Judges were there was idolatry and disobedience. But even at those times they remained faithful.
  Content of the Book                     :
I.                   Death of Naomi’s husband and sons
II.                Return of Naomi and Ruth to Bethlehem
III.             Ruth follows Naomi’s instruction
IV.              Ruth and Boaz are married.

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 On the other hand if you are more of a laptop freak than a book worm. Then here is a link for you from which you can download free. It is a Bible software in any language you prefer.
Whoever wants to have a e-sword (digital Bible) software can have it from
             For Tamil version :

Letter From God Team


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