Sunday 16 June 2013



Dear Brothers and Sisters,
            Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. We move on seeing the major events of the books in the Bible. But we recommend you to read the rest of the chapters too. No part of the Bible is unimportant. It would be even more better if you have a regular reading practice. Now we are into the 7th  book of the Bible “Deuteronomy”.

Name                                                 :Judges
Refers to a meaning                  : History of the Judges of Israel.
Date of the Book                      :1375 -1055B.C
Author                                     : Possibly Samuel( A Main prophet in the Bible)
Purpose                                    : To show that God’s judgment against sin is certain, and  his forgiveness of sin and restoration to relationship are just as certain for those who                                                          repent.
Content of the Book                      : After entering the promised land the people did what all pleased them and disobeyed God and God allowed suffering upon them. Then the people                                                       cried out to the Lord for rescue. In these days after Joshua there were many judges who led Israel in God’s way.

Note: You are most welcome to send any of your friends id to which we should send these mails to and as well forward them to any one whom you know. We also welcome questions and suggestions from you.

If you need a Bible please send us a mail.
Kindly reply to this mail with the following details.

            Your Name :
            Your Address:
            The Language you want your Bible in :
            How do you like the mails that we send you:
            Any comments if you have:

 On the other hand if you are more of a laptop freak than a book worm. Then here is a link for you from which you can download free. It is a Bible software in any language you prefer.
Whoever wants to have a e-sword (digital Bible) software can have it from
             For Tamil version :

Letter From God Team


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