Tuesday 10 September 2013

I & II Kings

I & II  Kings

            Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. Great news that we have completed 10 books in the bible and now we are on the 11th  and 12th book named I & II Kings. We encourage you to read the Bible more to get more closer to the Lord Almighty. Bible is a great gift that the Lord has given us. Its speaks Gods words to us. So it is very important to read it with much interest and respect.

Name                                    :I & II Kings

Date of the Book              :I Kings -around 970 -853 B.C II Kings – around 853 – 586 B.C
Author                                 :Unknown

Purpose                              : To show the lives of those who chose to accept/reject  God

Content of the Book                     :
I.                   Life of Solomon
II.                Elijah’s ministry
III.             Kings of Israel and Judah
IV.              Elisha’s ministry
V.                 Israel and Judah are exiled to Assyria and Babylon.

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