Wednesday 12 December 2012

Can we talk to Jesus!!

Can we talk to Jesus!!

Previously we saw about the birth of our Lord Jesus. How miraculous it was, wasn't it? Now there are few things that we need to learn from that  during this Christmas season.
In the story we saw Angels coming and addressing  Mary first, then Joseph, the shepherds and then the wise men and finally Joseph again to leave from Bethlehem.
God spoke to each of them through an angel in their dream or with an Angel appearing to them directly. Don’t you wish to hear from God and speak to Him.. :) YES …Here we go…

           How can I talk to Jesus?
There is only one possible way to talk to Jesus that is through PRAYER

What is Prayer?
Prayer is nothing but talking to Jesus about your day to day life, about your joy, about your problems, about friends, family and you can add on. It is also the time to praise God for everything He has done for you and everything He is.

Why do we pray?
We pray because Jesus is our Father in Heaven. He likes to hear you talk and also wants to talk with you daily.
He wants to hear what you feel and what you are thinking.

What should I Pray for?
You could pray for anything you need.
You can tell Him about a problem that is troubling you and which you want to get rid off.
You can ask Him to heal your sickness.
You can talk to Him about the things that happened in a day.
You can share almost anything you feel with respect.

When Must I Pray?
You can pray anywhere at anytime. Like when you are at home, on travel, at the middle of the road struggling to cross the road.
The Lord is ready to listen to you at anytime. But to have a regular schedule is better, so have a specific time to meet the Lord.
The best time being early morning in a private room where only you and Jesus can meet :)
Psalm 55:17  Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice.
(Hindi) सांझ को, भोर को, दोपहर को, तीनोंपहर मैं दोहाई दूंगा और कराहता रहूंगा। और वह मेरा शब्द सुन लेगा।
 (Tamil OV)  அந்திசந்தி மத்தியான வேளைகளிலும் நான் தியானம்பண்ணி முறையிடுவேன்; அவர் என் சத்தத்தைக் கேட்பார்.
(Telugu)  సాయంకాలమున ఉదయమున మధ్యాహ్నమున నేను ధ్యానించుచు మొఱ్ఱపెట్టుకొందును ఆయన నా ప్రార్థన నాలకించును

For a initial starter let me tell you some ideas to talk to the Lord
1)      As a first thing Praise God for He is great and greatly to be praised.(Praise can be like God Almighty I praise You. King of Kings I praise You Etc, if you have no idea about it then just say I praise You Lord from the depth of your heart , God will understand you)
2)      Thank the Lord for the things that He has given you like good health, nice parents, good job, good education etc.( Thank Him from the depth of your heart )
3)      Plead with Him to forgive your sins( there might have been some mistakes that you have done on the day, and you might be guilty of it, Plead Jesus to forgive you your sins)
4)      Ask the Lord for your needs for the day you going to start. Needs like strength to work, Knowledge to study, food to eat etc . When you ask believe that He will give you things that you need for sure.( Don’t test the Lord asking Him for Helicopter and stuff :) )
5)      Pray for others around you, whom you care for like your family, friends and relatives who might be sick or facing some problem.  You can even pray for the country or for your company etc.

At the beginning you may try what I have told you. But later on when you start talking to the Lord, He will guide you and then you will have your own language of love with Jesus.
Next time let’s see more on this topic. Wish you happy talking to Jesus!!


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